Use CCleaner To Free Up Disk Space

Step 1 – Open CCleaner

Double click the CCleaner to launch application.
step 1 Open CCleaner

Step 2 – Select Cleaning Options

From the left check boxes, Select the options which should be used while freeing up space. Choose each option wisely. If you don’t want password to be removed. Then don’t check the password options. Similarly if you like autocomplete form option. Then uncheck them.
NOTE: If you want that CCleaner  quickly free up Space. Then Make sure You have unchecked “Wipe Free Space”
step 2 Select Options and analyze

Step 3 – Click CCleaner Analyze Button

Once you have opened Analyze button, CCleaner will start analyzing the files. You’ll see below screenshot.
step 3 CCleaner Will Analyse

Step 4 – Click “Run CCleaner” Button

Once analysis is complete. You’ll see how much space CCleaner can free up from C drive. Then hit the bottom right button to start Cleaning files.
step 4 Run CCleaner

Step 4 – Space is Free From C Drive

Once running will be complete. You’ll notice that huge amount of space is free on C Drive now.
step 5 Free up C Disk Space completed

Use CCleaner To Fix Registry Issues

The second important part in how to use ccleaner is to fix windows registry. Follow below simple method for Registry optimization.

Step 1 – Open Registry Cleaner

From the left option you can click Registry icon. Then hit button “Scan For issues”.
step 1 Registry cleaner

Step 2 – Click “Fix Selected Issues”

Once analysis is complete. You can click button to start Fixing registry issues.
step 2 fix registry issues

Step 3 – Backup Registry Settings

You’ll be prompted to backup registry settings before fixing registry problems. Click Yes and browse for location where you want to save Registry settings backup.
step 3 backup registry changes

Step 4 – Fix Registry Issues

Then you’ll see option to either fix each issue one by one or to fix all registry errors at once. Click Fix All Button.
step 4 fix all selected issues

So you are done. All Windows registry issues are solved now. So you have successfully used CCleaner to optimize PC Speed. You’ll feel a difference and that’s because PC speed is up. You computer performance will be improved. Now you can install more softwares in C drive. :)

How To Use CCleaner on Mac To Free Up Space?

If you have Mac OS then the only difference is that you need to install CCleaner DMG file for Mac. The process of cleaning space is same as per above screenshots.
Just open CClenaer on Mac. Then Check options for clearing up Disk Space. Then Run CCleaner On Mac Operating System.
Let us know if we missed anything or how can we improve this tutorial for using CCleaner.
This Post Was Last Updated On: August 17, 2013 By Author: Fatima Afridi